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Do You Feel Off?

Trust what your body is telling you. A lot of our customers feel like they have tried absolutely everything to feel better. Oftentimes, detoxification is the missing piece to the health and wellness puzzle. Here’s why you should give the IonCleanse by AMD detox foot bath a try.


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Hello, my name is Eve, I'm 30 years old and I have Lyme disease. Since the onset of my illness, I've been looking for ways to improve my quality of life and alleviate the symptoms that accompany it. That's why I decided to invest in a detoxification machine.

This machine doesn't eliminate the disease, but it helps me enormously in my daily life. I've noticed a significant reduction in my symptoms: my aches and pains are reduced, my fatigue is less overwhelming and I feel more energetic overall.

I highly recommend detoxification to anyone suffering from chronic symptoms, as it can make a real difference to the management of their condition.

EveLyme disease

Hello, last week a patient came to test the foot bath.
He came back today to tell me that he's prone to panarias on his big toe, and that he had one last week that was starting to make him suffer terribly... and that to his great surprise, the next day nothing!

So he comes back with enthusiasm!


A few months ago, I tried the detox baths and, after my first use, I was pleasantly surprised to see a marked improvement in my body.
I had surgery on both feet about a year ago, and since then I've had a lot of circulation problems and pain.
After my first bath, my legs felt light and painless, and I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from my body. I'm going to continue this practice and recommend it to everyone, especially as it has no side effects, unlike drugs, and offers us a little break in the day to take care of ourselves. What more could you ask for?
After all, nothing ventured, nothing gained, and thanks to this approach, you too may find a solution 😉😊.

I hope my testimonial has helped you 😌

Karen 16 years oldBlood circulation & pain

Hello, I would like to share my experience with the detox sessions.
Before I started, I suffered from general fatigue and had regular outbreaks of herpes labialis, which was both uncomfortable and stressful.

After a few detox sessions, I quickly noticed a positive change. My fatigue level dropped significantly, and I felt much more energetic on a daily basis.
What particularly impressed me was the feeling of deep relaxation, both physical and mental, after each session.

I've had no more outbreaks of herpes, which is a huge relief.
I'm really grateful for these sessions, as they have had a profound impact on my health and well-being.

Nathalie 55 years oldGeneral fatigue

Hi, I've just tried something new with the detox tank, it's incredible!

I use fabric softener for my laundry. I was surprised to smell the fabric softener coming out of my detox tubs.
It really got to me, because it shows just how much the products we use every day can penetrate our bodies.

I now realize how important it is to be careful about what we put on our skin, and to be more vigilant in my choice of products.

JonathanChemical evacuation

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